donderdag 17 juli 2008


Just found this video on youtube about the inspiration for Nike's revolutionary Air Max 1s (you know, the shoes with the air cushion you can see). Turns out, it all started with a trip to the art museum.

"When you sit down to design something--and it can be anything: a car, a toaster, a house, a tall building, a shoe--what you design is a culmination of everything you've seen and done in you life up to that point."

via core77

1 opmerking:

Gaetan zei

Hmm i still like to belief we have the power to come up with something new and fresh without beeing inspired of the things we've seen. To see deeper then we could imagine. There's still allot to be discovered. But he has a point.
And showing the world how a shoe looks on the inside wasn't realy his best creation :p
But that's my point of vieuw.
Still, a fasinating story, and kinda funny.