vrijdag 29 augustus 2008

The future of design is human-centered

Low-key and thoughtful, IDEO founder David Kelley seems the antithesis of the "design star" -- and indeed, he says that product design, within the past two decades, has become much less about the design and more about the user who'll be experiencing it. In this classic 2002 talk, he shares some video of products coming out of IDEO, including Prada's famous high-tech dressing rooms, "Dilbert's ultimate cubicle," and a gotta-have-it gadget called Spyfish. He finishes by discussing a project he's passionate about: ApproTEC -- now called KickStart -- offering designs that give Kenyans the means to end poverty.

[+ link]

maandag 25 augustus 2008

7 ideas: convergentietoolbox

"Honderden ideeën na een brainstorm. Maar hoe zoek je de pareltjes of het meest veelbelovende idee. Vaak gaat alle aandacht (en fun) naar de divergerende fase. Maar slim convergeren maakt vaak het verschil. In deze 7 ideas een toolbox om ideeën te selecteren. Zowel convergentie-technieken als algemene criteria om een idee op te beoordelen.


Marc Heleven"

[+ link]