woensdag 15 december 2010


"Think back to the last time you played a game. What was the game? Why did you choose to play? Was it a simple game like tic-tac-toe, or something more complex, like Monopoly, Scrabble or Chess? Or maybe it was a game of basketball? Did you play with friends? With family? Try to recapture the feeling you had as you played the game. How did it feel? Would you like to have more of that feeling at work?

Games come naturally to human beings. Playing a game is a way of exploring the world, a form of structured play, a natural learning activity that’s deeply tied to growth. Games can be fun and entertaining, but games can have practical benefits too.

This blog is about games designed to help you get more innovative, creative results in your work."

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vrijdag 3 december 2010

WikiT: The mind mapping wiki

"Something that occupies our thinking a lot is taming all the information that hits our PCs and desks every day. Maybe you find this a problem as well, and that's why you arrived at this website.

Information comes at us from all directions: Documents from colleagues, websites, web articles, social networking reference, emails, instant messages, passwords and other access tokens, magazine articles, news clippings, spreadsheets, presentations and diagrams. A lot of this we want to read later, amend, add to or keep for reference. If it is useful for our work, hobbies and family life, we need to keep it, and be able to find it.

Who hasn't felt overwhelmed by the increasing gush pouring out of the information pipes to which most of us are connected? "

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dinsdag 24 augustus 2010

creative (online) process + different profiles per stage

"I found this to be an interesting exercise when thinking about the impact and influence we have on the web, and how information travels. For instance, when you RT something on Twitter, you’re fulfilling a “Propagator” function, when you’re introducing people or bridging information you’re a “Connector,” when you’re developing a new theory or model or practice, you are a “Pathfinder,” and so on. It’s a different way of thinking about our relationship with information – one that puts more control in the hands of the user verses just drowning in “information overload.” It’s also an interesting way to think about who to send information to when trying to plant seeds of information and spread ideas."
(Venessa Miemis)

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donderdag 19 augustus 2010

Guidelines for group collaboration & emergence

"Collaboration is an act of shared creation or discovery. (schrage89)

As a distributed group of individuals (agents) within a network, we form a complex adaptive system. The key to our success is in creating the environment where emergent, innovative results can occur."
(Vanessa Miemis)

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maandag 7 juni 2010

User centered design

"The central premise of user centred design is that the best designed products and services result from understanding the needs of the people who will use them"

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vrijdag 4 juni 2010

Creative Stars

"The idea is to collect websites for industrial designers who are in the beginning of their design process (Information phase and Exploration phase). The most useful websites are displayed on the homepage to ensure a quick navigation"

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dinsdag 1 juni 2010

The Ideas Compass

"The Ideas Compass is the place where small and medium-sized companies can find inspiration to innovate and evolve. The focus of this website is on CSR-driven innovation – an innovation process focusing on current social and environmental needs which gives companies an opportunity to develop sustainable products or services."

"CSI (Corporate Social Innovation) is also called sustainable innovation. CSI is about creating a good business by having sustainability as a focal point when the corporation develops a new product or service.

This entails developing products or services which may relieve some of the world's problems, such as disease, contaminated water, CO2 emission, hunger or the lack of education.

CSI is also referred to as CSR innovation. CSI is useful for businesses which work with innovation and/or CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)."

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woensdag 12 mei 2010


"Real-time Brainstorming

Werk tegelijk met vrienden en collega´s aan mappen en zie de veranderingen terwijl ze worden uitgevoerd"

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templates, templates, lots of templates

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Idée labs

"Piximilar searches through large image collections, without keywords or metadata, to instantly retrieve visually similar images.

Users can search for images by:

* selecting an existing image in your collection to retrieve similar images
* uploading their own image to retrieve visually similar images from your collection
* selecting multiple colours from a simple palette or an advanced colour wheel to retrieve images containing the same colours

Piximilar can be used in combination with keywords to refine searches on extremely large collections."

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"Tagul is different

Wordle was designed to be just a toy. Wordle clouds cannot be used as in the way tag clouds are usually used, like being embedded on a web page and serving as navigation units. That leaves the niche that Tagul is intended to fulfil. Tagul clouds are not toys and designed to be used on blogs, web pages or any kind of sites as a replacement of ordinary tag clouds. Each tag in Tagul cloud is linked with an URL and is “clickable” that enables visitors to use it for navigation. "

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"Screenjelly records your screen activity with your voice so you can spread it via Twitter or email.

Use it to quickly share cool apps or software tips, report a bug, or just show stuff you like.

To start recording, click on the red button. No need to install or download anything!"

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other similar tool:
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STIXY moodboarding tool

"Think of Stixy as your online bulletin board. Create as many Stixyboards as you like, one for each project. Use Stixy to easily organize and share:

* Your family’s schedule
* Projects at work
* An upcoming holiday with your friends
* Your photos from your last bike trip
* Or share a file or two with a friend or colleague"

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Twiddla notation tool

"Mark up websites, graphics, and photos, or start brainstorming on a blank canvas. Browse the web with your friends or make that conference call more productive than ever. No plug-ins, downloads, or firewall voodoo - it's all here, ready to go when you are. Browser-agnostic, user-friendly."

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donderdag 29 april 2010

newsletter material stories

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woensdag 17 maart 2010

// The Design with Intent Toolkit v.0.9

"Design can be used to influence users’ behaviour.

From the layout of shopping malls to digital rights management, our everyday lives are full of examples of products, systems and environments which have been designed to shape, guide or control – influence – our behaviour, using a wide range of techniques: technological, physical or psychological.

Intended commercial benefit is a major reason behind this; intended social benefit can be too (though it’s often fraught with politics). Sometimes the behaviour-shaping is helpful to the user; sometimes it’s serving someone else against the user’s best interests. Sometimes it’s trying to get the user to do something; sometimes it’s trying to stop the user doing something.

The common factor to all of this is intent on the part of the designer/engineer/planner or his or her corporate/political masters. This is Design with Intent: strategic design that’s intended to influence or result in certain user behaviour."

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