woensdag 19 augustus 2009
Enquiring minds
The Enquiring Minds 'enquiry cycle' is an approach to planning and carrying out any sort of enquiry-based activity. This enquiry model can be used by teachers and students to help visualise progress on any extended activity.
[ +link ]
vrijdag 5 december 2008
MÜ is a multimedia installation featuring children fairy tales. MÜ is intended for infant schools (5 – 6 years old kids).The educational purpose of MÜ is the early learning of hearing, musical and creation, through activities that can be played alone or in group.
Three key protagonists :
* Children : From 5 to 7 years old, in infant school. Goals: to interact, to learn, and to dream. To identify oneself to the characters of the tale, in order to better understand it.
* Teachers : Goals: to extend reading and tales experience in an entertaining and concrete manner. To make children discover with their senses.
* Parents : Goals: to reinforce parent’s interest in children’s learning basic skills. To involve oneself and share a story together.
[+ link]